Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Catch Up Day

When I was in elementary school in the tiny (300 people) town I grew up in, we would often have what the teachers would call a "Catch Up" day, which was just a day for everyone to catch up on some of the work they were a little behind in, and the kids who were all caught up could just colour or something. Being the weird kid that I was I thought it was "Ketchup" day, so I didn't really get why they named it as such, but for the most part I was always done my work on time, so I was just psyched to have a full day of colouring ahead of me.

Ironic how the kid who doesn't even understand "catch up" was the one to have her work done...

I'm not really sure how old I was when I realized it was "Catch up" not "ketchup", but I've thought about this concept of having "Catch Up" days throughout my life, and it's definitely come in handy as a great way of staying on top of things. (So thank you Madame Vier) Basically, by PLANNING a day that is just meant for catching up on stuff, it makes it a lot easier to not fall behind.

Yes, I am that nerdy. I plan about how to plan.

So long (slightly pointless) story short, I'm having a bit of a "Catch Up" day here at home, and thought it might be a good time to put up a few things I've been meaning to post about for awhile:

First off, here's a video shot by Indyish WAAAAY back at the Spring 08 Puces POP. Just a little video of me at our table, a very flat pierogi, a few questions, a few answers, and some bangs that need to be trimmed badly...but really what's all that new about that....

Next up, an interview Tyson and I did with the Toronto Craft Alert, from what seems like ages ago, but was really Sept. 22, 08. Pamela did a really great job coming up with some amazing questions, and I would say this is one of the best articles anyone has ever written about the store actually...which is why it took me so long to post it. Yeah. Ahem. Sorry Toronto Craft Alert!!

Check out the article HERE



Amanda said...

i used to have the same type of confusion when people on tv shows would talk about make-up exams. it was so confusing, that i actually concluded that it was a form of punishment for boys that failed an exam...

supayana said...

Hahahah Angie you're so funny. Being more organized is one of my resolutions this year...you're my organizational hero!

Unknown said...


The HQ Duo said...

If I'm your organizational hero then you're in BIG trouble Yana!

Anonymous said...

for I really long time I thought a grilled cheese sandwich was actually a girl cheese sandwich.

Amanda said...

so are we TOTALLY caught up on the HQ Duo now???

The HQ Duo said...

Not even close Amanda, not even CLOSE! Just gotta take some kind of good pic ;)