Monday, March 05, 2007

The Assembly is on!

Since February 10th, more than 60 artists around the city have been involved in a collaborative art-making relay called The Assembly. All month, art projects have passed from hand to hand with each artist making a change through writing, filmmaking, music, or illustration. That is a massive organizational task, way to go Indyish!

On March 10th, the seven short films made during The Assembly will be screened for the first time with live soundtracks by bands involved in the project. A scene from a new rock opera by Stephen Taylor will be performed by Liederwolfe. And a messy group jam may just ensue.

The Assembly Screening is "pay what you can" and will be a cozy night of film and music experimentation.

Pick up The Assembly Zine at the screening for more info about:
- the project and its participants
- Indyish (the idea starters/organizers of this event)
- the collaborative writing program
- Celtx, which allowed relay handoffs to be mapped.

The zine also includes script illustrations by a number of Canadian artists (Tyson included!)and displays the diversity of work produced in The Assembly.

When: Saturday March 10th at 8pm
Where: Friendship Cove, 215A Murray St., Metro: Bonaventure
Who: Indyish Artist Network, Group Blog, and Boutique
BYO-pillow: You may want to bring a blanket or cushion to sit on.

Assembly Event Manager - Tessa Smith - Tessa@
Indyish Artistic Director – Risa Dickens – Risa@
Indyish Technical Director – Elran Oded – Elran@

More Info:

Follow The Assembly:

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